Music (377R)
Music touches the very heart of our humanity and a sense of the wonder of music has touched human societies throughout history.
Music education offers young people the chance to understand, perform and create in an aural dimension that often sits outside our capacity to describe in words. For many pupils, the music they love will be part of the narrative of their lives and bring colour to the experiences that shape them.
In England, all pupils should study music until the end of key stage 3. The requirement for maintained schools and academies to offer a broad and balanced curriculum is set out in the Education Act 2002 (for maintained schools) and the Academies Act 2010.
This expectation is reflected in the national curriculum and is at the heart of the education inspection framework Ofsted Curriculum Review Series: Music (2021) The music training curriculum is designed to support you to deliver high quality teaching in any school context. It provides you with the best available evidence as well as practical support as you begin to develop your skills as a music specialist.
The curriculum is designed to extend your interest, knowledge and confidence in music as a subject within the curriculum and to extend your development of an analytical and critical attitude towards the teaching and learning of music. In order to become an effective classroom teacher, trainees must be able to critically and realistically evaluate their own work, listen to the advice of others, and ensure progress through continuous reflection. The development of these skills runs through the entire course.
Courses can fill up at any time, so you should apply as soon as you can.